Saturday, March 28, 2009

What is Liver

Liver is the most significant organ as it detoxifies biological waste and has regenerating capacity.The weight of the liver is 1.5 kgs. Even though, 1/2 of that weight of the liver is enough to carry out the bodily functions, the nature (God) has provided more amount of liver, depending upon its importance in the body. It has to withstand many brunts that are fall on it.
Functions of the liver:
1. Purification of the blood and storing.
2. Manufacture the bile juice.
3. Cholesterol levels management.
4. Storage of sugar, in the form of glucose and releasing it into the blood stream, for providing energy purposes.
5. Synthesizing important proteins like albumin and anticoagulants (chemicals making clotting of the blood in case of bleeding).
6. Detoxifying the drugs and chemicals that are harmful to the body.

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